Transformation: A New Moon + Eclipse in Scorpio

Here we are, introducing eclipse season by way of this Scorpio New Moon.

My moon sign lives in Scorpio. This time of year always feels a little cozy to me.

While I may feel comfortable inhabiting the temporal space of Scorpio season, there are lots of comfortable pieces of life in that space that I notice are no longer serving me.

I tend to experience emotions intensely. These intense emotions may sometimes act as barriers when I am unwilling to experience them in their fullness.

Big emotions are messages to transform and engage with our alchemy. 

Big emotions are a call to action that things need shifting.

When I zoom out of my individual experience, I can see how much healing and change are needed on a greater scale. Humans have been suffering. It is showing up day in and day out in my practice, as well as among my village of chosen family.

I was having a brief IG convo with my friend and mentor Fanny Priest (@the.trauma.witch) where I shared - “The people are struggling! What are the planets doing!?”

Fanny quickly reminded me of a truth I know in my bones––a truth I often want to suppress because of how big and achy it can feel to spend time with.

At the heart of Fanny’s response was the reminder that late-stage capitalism and its effects are what’s creating the chronic suffering we are seeing among our fellow humans.

In this time of Scorpio Full Moon energy, you are invited with the folks at Topaz to see what can be released in our personal lives - so that we may show up more resourced in the pursuit of transformative justice + collective care. These are potent ingredients to create the world we wish to thrive in.

For me, I am releasing the scarcity that exists around my therapy practice + the intrusive messages saying I need to be in competition with others for resources.

If you feel so called, I invite you to spend some time exploring what you may be willing to let go of + check out some organizations doing amazing education and facilitation around these greater systems of oppression.

Some Further Resources:

Podcasts I’m Listening To:


How Can I Tell What I am Feeling? Connecting with Harder Emotions


A Poem for Scorpio Season